Ancient tales of the lord...
Author:B. N. Goswami in association with Usha Bhatia
Category:Painting- Hinduism
Measure | decipher...
Author:Pratap Morey
Samit Das- art work...
Author:Samit Das
The arts of Bengal and eastern India...
Author:General editor, R.P. Gupta; Craft Council of West Bengal
Kala sutra...
Author:Curated by Arun Ghose
Common Indian wild flowers...
Author:Isaac Kehimkar; sponsored by the Tata Social Welfare Trust
India - Egypt crafts training and skill exchange...
Author:Project head: Jaya Jaitly, Dastkari Haat Samiti
Lotus links, India - Vietnam craft design workshop, 16th-31st December 2004...
Elephant tales, India - Sri Lanka international crafts design workshop...
Afrikhadi, India - South Africa craft design workshop, 16th-31st December 2...
Under roof, India - Thailand craft design and cultural exchange workshop, 2...
In dark times...
Author:SAHMAT (Safdar Hashmi Mamorial Trust)
Category:Politics (India)
The republic of reason: words they could not kill...
Author:Narendra Dabholakara, Govinda Panasare, Eṃ Eṃ Kalaburgi, Safdar Hashmi Memorial Trust (SAHMAT)
Category:Social Science
The theatre of E. Alkazi...
Author:Exhibition curator: Amal Allana; exhibition design: Nissar Allana
Category:Performing Art-Theatre
Mapping with figures...
Author:Curated by R Siva Kumar
Pigeons to post...
Author:Manifestation by Steve Borgia
A resource manual on allo cutivation, conservation, processing, weaving and...
Author:Author and researcher: Hari Gopal Chyashi
Language:Nepali, english, hindi
Sita's Ramayana...
Author:Text by Samhita Arni, art by Moyna Chitrakar
Category:Comics (Graphic Art)- India
Author:Anand Neelakantan
Category:Litrarture (Fiction)-Hinduism
Hindu soul recipes...
Author:Text by Pushpesh Pant; photographs by Dheeraj Paul